Experience Planning: Six Questions with Mark Bell

You might have heard of Experience Planning, but what actually is it? Our Talent Acquisition Executive Giorgia Rossini spoke to Mark Bell, Chief Experience Officer to find out a bit more…


So, let’s start with the basics.

1. You’re only allowed to describe experience planning with 5 words:

Effectively influencing behaviour for brands

2. Ok, just kidding. What is experience planning then?

Experience Planning is an expertise in defining how humans make everyday decisions and what their needs and motivations are. Armed with this, Experience Planners identify how brands can play meaningful roles within this behaviour and help create measurable and effective experiences.

3. Why not User Experience?

User Experience is a great discipline but it is focused on a specific task rather than considering the complete relationship that a customer has with a brand.

4. What difference does it make for us and for our clients?

Experience Planning brings together behavioural science and brand expertise to allow our clients to create a beneficial difference in how their customers interact with their brand.

5. What advice would you give to young designers trying to get in to experience planning?

Get obsessed by behavioural science and Nudge theory.

6. Now tell us a fun fact about yourself and your team…

Every year we have the Experience Planning summer BBQ, hosted at team members house. It is exclusive just to experience planners and causes a bit of stir when others aren’t invited.

We’re currently looking for Senior Experience Planners,  if you’re interested please drop us a line at giorgiarossini@oliver.agency

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